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NORSTELLA will contribute to better, increased and simpler interaction between the public and private sectors in all relevant areas




NORSTELLA will establish and facilitate meeting places for sharing and innovation that are characterized by neutrality and high professional quality.


What are we doing?


NORSTELLA's task is to contribute to the digitalisation of Norway by being a neutral meeting place that actively contributes to increased collaboration across industries, sectors and professions. Active contribution involves inviting to conferences and workshops, and if necessary take the initiative to establish network groups for deep diving in special areas.




Our main goal is to contribute to efficiency and value creation in public and private companies, by being a driving force for


  • Simplification of regulations, processes and procedures within national and international industry / trade, both in the private and public sector.

  • Efficient implementation and profitable use of standardized data exchange between organizations / units.


Due to NORSTELLA's independent position in the market, NORSTELLA can serve any player and company in the market. In this way, we can contribute to the establishment of cross-sectoral solutions, based on open standards such as UN / CEFACT, UBL and ebXML for the benefit of all user groups / actors.




NORSTELLA has members in many industries, representing trade, industry, transport and the service industry. Both small and large are represented, and among the members we also find state and municipal enterprises.




NORSTELLA finances its operations through:

  • membership fees

  • various permanent assignments

  • projects, studies, conferences, courses, document sales, services and the like


NORSTELLA - a brief presentation


NORSTELLA is a not-for-profit foundation with the overall vision to contribute to better-, increased- and simpler digital interaction between the public- and private sector. Read more.


Download the booklets (only available in Norwegian) :


About NorStella until the foundation / Om NorStella frem til stiftelsen (2003) by Karl I. Isaksen.


NorStella - a driving force for electronic interaction (a historical journey through 30 years) / NorStella - en pådriver for elektronisk samhandling (en historisk reise gjennom 30 år) by Arild Haraldsen (2017).





1994 Norwegian EDIPRO is established


1994-1995 Several projects i.a. "Standard Agreement for the Exchange of eCommerce Messages" and Electronic Signature EDI ".


1999 Standard transport document and bar coding for the transport sector.


2000-2001 EDI messages for electronic transit of customs declaration.


2001-2003 Open infrastructure project based on ebXML.


2003 TransportXML established


2003 Norwegian EDIPRO changes its name to NorStella, with a new internet-based strategy.


2004 NorStella is part of the eFaktura initiative.


2005 NorStella takes over as head of NordiPro.


2006 The ShortSeaXML project started, based on ebXML and Core Components.


2007 NorStella becomes part of NESUBL - global standardization of electronic messages, based on UBL.


2009-2012 The FINT project was completed with support from the Research Council and a large number of Norwegian companies (ports, shipping companies, carriers, IT companies, etc.) as participants. Change of general manager.


2013 New business strategy is established. NorStella participates with expertise in business analysis towards Horizon 2020.


2014 Active collaboration with the semicolon project regarding the interaction arena. NorStella conducts user surveys / TTIP fact-finding on behalf of NHO.


2015 New operating model established. We start a professional group digital interaction. NorStella enters into an agreement on professional collaboration with EEMA (The European Association for e-Identity & Security).


2016 NorStella documents the history of the last 30 years. We focus on the future through the conference NorStella New Opportunities and Blockchain. The municipal focus is established through K429 (later changed to K +).


2017 This year's theme "How to use the market to realize digital services for the public sector". The main theme 2 was to shed light on which we can get inspiration and learning from England and


2018 Establishment of the network group Digital Top Managers with an opening seminar at Difi. Based on this, the need arose for an expert group on Data Sharing. First meeting in the spring.


2019 Well-visited interaction arena with the theme "Data is not gold - yet". Later this year, we will submit the report "Legal barriers to digitization" to Minister of Digitization Nikolai Astrup. This received great positive attention.


2020 The year started well, but abrupt stops related to COVID-19 forced us to switch to 100% virtual activity and cancel planned gatherings.



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Takk for din interesse!

En nøytral møteplass for å dele og bli inspirert til en ny digital fremtid!


NORSTELLA hovedfokus vil være generelle forutsetninger og suksessfaktorer for digital samhandling med spesiell vekt på internasjonal handelsforenkling, e-business, e-transport og e-identifikasjon.


Spesielt fokus er å bidra til samhandling mellom privat, kommunal og statlig sektor.

© 2023 by NORSTELLA

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