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ID number for identification in TVINN

Order an additional ID/Nodi number here!

NORSTELLA are simplifying and improving their membership structure from due date 2018. The changes are based on the principle that everyone who benefits from services from the foundation, should be a member. This means that anyone who has a Nodi licence now becomes a full Nodi member with a licence included and unrestricted access to our DOKSENTER, and a special memberprice at our arrangements.


If more than one TET or TVINN licence is required, additional licences can be obtained by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.


The ID number will be issued within a few days of receipt of the order.



What is an ID number and how is it structured?


An identification number (ID number) is used to identify the parties to an EDI exchange in the Norwegian Customs' TVINN system, e.g. sender and recipient. An ID number is required to perform electronic customs clearance, and it has the following structure:




The two letters indicate the country (NO = Norway).


The remaining six digits make up the number itself and are allocated in increments of one hundred


Initially, one ID number will be issued per organization (party identification). Organizations must contact NorStella to obtain any additional licences required.


The ID number must, in accordance with requirements from the Norwegian Customs, follow the company's registration number.

If a company obtains a new company registration number as a result of re-establishment, merger, etc., it must also get a new ID number. The old ID number will be marked as obsolete in the ID numbers register, and it can no longer be used by the company or others in communication with TVINN.



Other necessary contacts: 


To be able to connect to TVINN, other organizations must be contacted, such as the Norwegian Customs, the network provider and the software provider. They will all need to know the identification number issued by NORSTELLA.



Prices for ID numbers valid from 01.01.20125 (excl. VAT):


  • Nodi members are automatically entitled to one licence number. Nodi membership costs NOK 2,495.00


  • If an additional licence is required, this must be ordered separately by using the form below.


  • The additional number will be charged at an annual fee (usage fee) of NOK 1,170.00 for each number.


  • The membership in NORSTELLA is valid for 12 months from the date of registration. The membership will be renewed automatically for another 12-month period unless it is terminated in writing at least 3 months before the next period starts. ​


  • An administration fee of NOK 500.00 will be charged for missplaced orders



Ordering an ID number:

Fill out the form below and click "Send". All the fields must be filled out.


If anything is unclear, you can contact NORSTELLA by sending an email to

Ordering a NODI number
NORSTELLA LOGO firkant_edited_edited_edited.jpg
Choose one option

NODI nummber blir tilsendt i løpet av få dager. / NODI number will be issued within a few days

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NORSTELLA hovedfokus vil være generelle forutsetninger og suksessfaktorer for digital samhandling med spesiell vekt på internasjonal handelsforenkling, e-business, e-transport og e-identifikasjon.


Spesielt fokus er å bidra til samhandling mellom privat, kommunal og statlig sektor.

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